Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stephanie's Guide to (Inadvertently) Attracting Men

Being married, I feel I must start by saying that all attracting I do of men who are not my husband is entirely accidental, and I cannot be held accountable for my own attractiveness.


Guys are weird. They are a riddle wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in a mystery novel, wrapped in mystery meat, wrapped in other mysterious items. And everything we women believe attracts us to men is a lie.

This might seem like a bold claim, but I'm speaking from personal experience here. In recent semesters, I have spent up to an hour and a half in the mornings doing my hair and makeup and making myself presentable, often to no noticeable effect. Zero men were attracted, ladies (aside from my husband, who informs me that I'm always attractive, which is part of why I love him so much). This term, due to a daily morning class that I can barely get myself up for, I've embraced the "hobo" look. And I've managed to attract three men. That's right, count 'em--three. Three men who've told me I'm cute or even beautiful in the past few weeks. Now, three may not seem like a big number, but this is spring term, and the campus is practically empty. If you were to extrapolate based on BYU's normal population, you can estimate that during fall or winter semester, I would have attracted twelve men. And that is a lot.

Through this experience, I've figured out the secret to attracting men, and because I'm a humanitarian, I'm here to share. Ready for my top 3 tips?

Rule #1: ALWAYS wear a baseball cap

According to my experience, this is the SINGLE most important thing that you can do to improve your appearance. I'm not exaggerating when I say that every time anybody has complimented me on my appearance this semester, I've been wearing my BYU baseball hat. And why not? Wearing a baseball hat gives you that carefree, sporty look that (apparently) makes the guys go crazy. A few days ago, I had a guy tell me it made me look "cute." Today, a different guy told me I was "beautiful." In a baseball cap. So go ahead, ladies--make the switch, watch the compliments come rolling in, and feel disgruntled (like I do) that you ever spent more than 2 minutes on your hair.

Rule #2: Makeup is OPTIONAL

That "beautiful" comment that I got today? No makeup whatsoever. So there you go.

Rule #3: Act entirely DISINTERESTED in everything around you

This actually fits in pretty well with the established "hard to get" routine that some girls use, but try taking it to the next level. Already texting while you walk? Try texting with your earbuds in while eating a burrito. The sheer multitaskiness of it all shows the boys that you're really not interested in anything they might be doing or thinking, thus drawing their compliments and conversation like flies.

So now you have it--the secret to success in attracting guys. Use it wisely, my friends. As for me, I think I'm going to spend a little more time getting ready in the morning. I just can't handle all of this attention.