Friday, February 11, 2011

Something awesome

Alright, so I've got some big news. First, some clues:

1. What is Firenze, aside from a really awesome centaur on Harry Potter?
2. Where was the birthplace of the Renaissance?
3. Where does this guy hang out?

Well, let me tell you--Firenze is the Italian name for the city of Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance is usually considered to be Florence, and David likes to hang out in the Galleria dell'Accademia in FLORENCE! I bought the plane ticket on Wednesday, so I guess it's official--I'm going to Florence, Italy this summer to attend a summer program at the Florence Academy of Art. I'll be staying in Florence (obviously), but I plan on using the weekends to explore places like Rome and Venice, and to chow down some pizza in Naples. Seriously, I am soooo excited about this! And y'all are welcome to visit me there if you want ;)


Jacquelyn Sherry said...

Yay!!!! I am so excited for you!

Suzanne said...

That sounds so fun! Is Chris coming with you?

Suzanne said...
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Bonnie said...

Wow! I am so jealous! What a wonderful opportunity!

Chrisanne Serafin said...

Whhhhhaaaaaatttt?! Nooooo way! I'm so jealous! You must tell me how it goes and if you would suggest it!

Joan said...

We're happy you're having the opportunity to go to Italy.

Olivia Carter said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so jealous! I want to go so badly. My husband went with his family after his mission & when I asked him about it he was like, "I don't really remember. I do remember that my mom kept wanting to take pictures of us in front on a naked dude statue."

And all I can think is "Excuse me that 'naked dude' was the DAVID! What's wrong with you!?!?"