Sunday, February 22, 2009


Girl's nights rock. Period.

So a rather large group of us decided to go see a movie in West Jerusalem tonight. Most people wanted to see Valkyrie, but a small group of girls decided to go see Bride Wars instead, and after some internal debate I decided to join them. I do want to see Valkyrie at some point, but I was kind of in the mood for a chick flick, and I thought that it was more likely that I'll be watching Valkyrie on Chris's couch at some point when I get back than it is that I'll be watching Bride Wars. It somehow seemed like an appropriate choice, too.


We watched Bride Wars (which was pretty cute, if a little cheesy, and was actually relatively clean). The way it works is that the movie is in English, but there are Hebrew subtitles at the bottom. They also have an intermission, which was a little bit different. I mean, I can see the logic behind it--it would've been nice to have a little bathroom break in the middle of Harry Potter, for instance, or Lord of the Rings. There doesn't seem to be much logic in where they place the intermission, though. They cut us off mid-sentence in a really interesting part of the movie, and I heard that Valkyrie was cut off at a crucial plot point, so either it's done automatically, or some vindictive person with a grudge against the world is in charge of cutting it off and makes sure to do it in the worst place possible. It could be either one, I suppose. The movie was fun, though, and we split the cost of a large popcorn, so I finally satisfied the popcorn craving that I've had for the past few weeks.

Since Valkyrie was sizably longer than Bride Wars and we were all planning on riding back in the same taxi-bus, we had some time to kill once the movie was over, and we ended up going to this pastry shop a couple blocks away from the theater. We all bought this pastry called a Hot Chocolate Cake, and I couldn't possibly even begin to describe its absolute amazingness! It's kind of like a cup of chocolate brownie-cake goodness with chunks of milk and white chocolate in the middle, and they warm it up so that all of the chocolate in the middle melts, and you mix the chocolate brownie siding with the chocolate in the middle and eat it. Sooooo good! I split mine with another girl, but it was so rich that I still felt like I got plenty. I wish I'd thought to bring my camera, but luckily the other girls remembered, so I'll have to see if I can get some pictures from them.

I think the best thing about tonight was how "American" it all seemed. As cool as it is to be experiencing a foreign culture and doing new and exotic things, sometimes you just need to do something in your comfort zone, and a girl's night out with chick flick, popcorn, and chocolate was absolutely perfect :)

Oh, and this post is proof that I actually am capable of posting on two consecutive days. Three might be pushing it... but we'll see what happens ;)