Monday, November 10, 2008

Rules of Engagement

I'm engaged.

...Not really. Apparently that's the rumor circulating around the ward, though, which has been... interesting. Chris said that the question he kept getting yesterday wasn't, "Are you engaged?" It was, "When did you get engaged?" You'd think it would be easy enough for people to look at my finger and see the lack of a sparkly, but I guess that doesn't occur to them. I think I know the girl who started it, though. She keeps going around telling people that we're "practically engaged," and somebody must have missed the "practically" part. Part of me thinks it would be funny to go up to her with a ring on my finger and record her reaction or something, though then the rumors would never cease... better not ;)

I discovered an amazing grocery store the other week! Have I mentioned it? It's awesome! It's called the Sunflower Market, and it has a huge variety of produce at really good prices. This week, grapefruit is on sale 8 for $1. Now, normally I don't eat grapefruit, but I had to buy some because it was 8 for $1! How could you not? It's also the only place in Provo I've found that sells ground mild Italian sausage, which is an essential ingredient in Zuppa Toscana, and tastes really good in place of ground beef in other things, too. It even sells tahini, which doesn't exist in any grocery stores in the Kaysville/Layton area (I checked). In short, I'm in love with this store, and we'll probably be announcing our engagement any day. Now I just need to figure out how to tell my boyfriend...

P.S. For some reason, I never could get Pyzam layouts to work for me, but I'm just cool enough with HTML that I managed to make my blog look exactly like the layout I wanted just by editing the coding of the default template. Bam!

P.P.S. *sigh* Sometimes I hate blogs. Well, I'm back to the stupid black layout again until I can figure out how to make my clouds work without taking away the comments feature. It'll happen, I promise you! Plus, when I switched to black again, it got rid of my Blog List which took me at least a half an hour to put together today. *grumble grumble grumble* Yeah, so if comments don't work now, I might swear off blogging completely. Not like I'm exactly an avid blogger anyway... but oh well.


John & Marjorie said...

Very funny. Way to give your dad a heart attack! :) I'm sorry about losing your clouds layout, though. (They remind me of the "happy little clouds" from that PBS art show I think you used to like to watch!) On another topic, what would you like for dinner this Saturday? I'm especially good at Italian night! :)

Hanny Banany!!! said...

Hey Stephie! Today when I went to your house, I slid down the stairs on my knees!!! You should try it, it is awesome!!! If you don't understand me, ask Chelsie or Amanda!!

P.S. I like Chris!!! You know what I'm talking about!!:P Hee hee!!!


Celeste said...

I thought that since you got a new blog, you would be posting more.....?